Songpyeon are half-moon-shaped rice cakes that contain different kinds of sweet or semi-sweet fillings, such as sesame seeds and honey, sweet red bean paste, and chestnut paste steamed over a layer of pine needles, which gives them the fragrant smell of fresh pine trees.
Rice dough:
- 500 g (5 cups) short-grain rice powder (멥쌀가루)
- Water
- ½ teaspoon salt
Coloring ingredients (optional)
- 7 g (gardenia 2 g + water 25 g) gardenia soaked water for yellow color
- 9 g (strawberry powder 1 g + water 8 g) strawberry powder liquid
- 1 g cinnamon powder
Fillings – we will use simple honey/sesame seeds/cinnamon fillings
- Filling 1:
- 30 g roasted sesame seeds
- 9.5 g (½ tablespoons) honey
- 12 g (1 tablespoon) brown sugar
- 0.5 g (⅛ teaspoons) salt
- Filling 2:
- 14 g (⅔ tablespoons) honey
- 1 g (¼ teaspoons) salt
- 0.6 g cinnamon powder
- 300 g pine needles
- 13 g (1 tablespoon) sesame oil
- Preparing the coloring: Halve the gardenia, soak in water for 30 minutes to make gardenia soaked water. Mix strawberry powder with water to make strawberry powder liquid.
- Mix salt and the rice powder and sieve. Divide it into 5 parts. Mix each part of rice powder with each coloring stuff. Sieve.
- Grind half of the fried sesame seeds, mix with honey, sugar and salt together. Set aside.
- Rinse pine needles in water and drain water.
- Knead each colored rice powder with hot water with strong force for long time.
- Boil water for steaming. Layer damp cotton cloths on the bottom of the pot.
- Pull off around 15~16 g of rice powder dough, roll it into a small ball and make a dent in the center. Put the fillings in and close up the edges and make it into a half-moon shape.

- Boil water for steaming. When it boils, layer pine needles on the bottom. Place the shaped rice cake and steam for 20 minutes on high heat.
- Take out the steamed rice cake and quickly run through cold water. Remove the pine needles, drain water and coat with sesame oil.
- Cover dough with wet clothes to prevent drying.
- Dough should be knead with warm water.

Seongpyeon are sweet half moon rice cakes that are often prepared for important Holidays like Chuseok.
(recipe adapted from Korean Food Foundation)